
Teahing is Learning Twice” J. Joubert

A Bachelor’s Degree in jazz guitar performance and modern music at ESMUC (Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña), a Middle Degree at L’AULA (Conservatorio del Liceo) and more than 18 years teaching people of all levels and ages: this is my guarantee of quality.

I have been a teacher in schools such as: Taller De MúsicsEscuela Municipal de Música de TianaAmerican Lake MusicEscola Pública Els Pinetons and ESART (Stucom). I also usually give workshops and group classes.

I am also the author of 10 Easy Songs for Electric Guitar, a book to reinforce the learning of the electric guitar. If you are interested in a copy, write to me through the contact form below or visit this link!



10 Easy Songs for Electric Guitar provides basic knowledge to reinforce guitar learning. Young guitarists and teachers will find in this book friendly and practical educational content. Price:12

If you are interested in a copy, write to me through the contact form below!

The book offers 10 songs, where each includes:

  • A little tale
  • A section of theoretical / technical concepts
  • Traditional sheet music
  • Sheet music (TAB)
  • Two backing tracks (with and without guitar)

download backing tracks


If you are interested in my didactic book or in learning and improving: guitar, ukulele, jazz, blues, improvisation, music theory, composition… don’t hesitate to contact me for more information! In-person and online classes.